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You're viewing Knights And Merchants Cheat Codes

Game Name : Knights And Merchants
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:12:55
Views : 35592

Cheat :
Open the inventory window by clicking on a Storage House. Then, click once on the following items. A red triangle will appear in the item's square as each is selected.

Row 1, item 3 (wooden boards) Row 2, item 2 (iron bars) Row 2, item 4 (wine casks) Row 3, item 1 (bread) Row 3, item 5 (cooked meat) Row 4, item 1 (animal hide) Row 4, item 5 (plate mail) Row 5, item 1 (axes) Row 5, item 2 (swords) Row 5, item 3 (lances) Row 5, item 4 (pikes) Row 5, item 5 (long bows)

Then, click on Row 6, item 1 (crossbow) to add 10 of each item to your inventory or on Row 6, item 2 (horses) to complete the current level.

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